This post is dedicated to my husband. He is such an awesome guy, I am so happy I married him. So I am going to list the reasons why I love him, so if he wants to he can print them off and have them with him, or go back and read them; or I can come back and read them when I want to strangle him in his sleep. ;)
-I love him because we have been through enough crap and I know without a doubt that he will be there for me no matter what. He's not going to run when things get hard, or when life doesn't go as we planned.
-I love him because he shares my views on stupid people, and the frustrate him maybe more than they frustrate me.
-I love him because even though we have absolutely nothing in common, it somehow works. Seriously, nothing in common. People are baffled by how we dated for years and are still married years later. I guess it works for us. :)
-I love him because even though he had a very good job that payed very well, he wanted to serve his country and joined the military. So, we make life work on $2,000 less a month while trying to save up the $10,000 to have a baby. And I couldn't be more proud of him.
-I love him because he is so accommodating of my fears. He doesn't make me go out in the dark, and doesn't laugh at me because I am afraid of moths. He respects that I am horribly afraid of dead things, so we don't go fishing; or eat crustaceans, and he cleaned up the shrews and mice our cat brought us.
-I love him because I know I am safe with him. I know my secrets are safe; I know my insecurities are safe, and I know that he will keep me safe from harm. Most of all I know my words are safe with him. He will never repeat what I tell him in confidence, and he will never speak ill of me behind my back or allow anyone else to do so.
-I love him because no matter what, we are a team. He doesn't go anywhere I'm not invited, and he doesn't keep friends that done like me (and vise verse). If we have made a decision, I know that we are united no matter what. No matter who's idea it was, once we have decided something it's a done deal.
-I love him because he sends me cute/sexy messages throughout the day. It lets me know he is thinking about me and I like it. :)
-I love him because he never says "I told you so". There have been times where he could have, and it would have been deserved, but he never has. I really appreciate that I can count on him not throwing it in my face that I was wrong.
-I love him because he puts up with my dogs. If you ask Roy, he will not hesitate to tell you that he only wanted ONE dog. But both our male and female dachshunds were in a bad situation and had been together their entire lives (they are 7 and 8 now). They both needed to be rescued, but it was preferred they were kept together. He reluctantly agreed that we could get both of them. When we got them they were severely abused, and Buddy was almost dead from malnutrition. It took us years to train them out of the abuse, and we are still working on several things. They have always frustrated us to no end, especially Roy. They have destroyed carpets and his electronics, and ran away more times than I could count that first year. But he has never told me I needed to get rid of them or tried to get rid of them behind my back.
-I love him because he has never forced me to do anything I don't want to do. He never makes me feel like I have to do anything. He is very much my equal and never forces me to do anything.
-I love him because every time we have lost a baby, or every time I see that one lonely line on the pregnancy test; he always tells me that the only thing he needs to be happy is me. That he didn't marry for my reproductive capabilities; and that even if we grow old together, having never had children, he will still be happy he married me and not had it any other way. :)
I could go on, but I'm getting really tired. It's 1 AM so I'd better get some sleep. In short, my husband is the best ever. :D
Awwwe aren't you a sweetie...I am glad you are still happy and in love with's hard to do when you are faced with all you have been