Let's just start this out by saying....I have a love affair with bath and body works. Almost nothing makes me happier, and I think about it when we are apart. I use the products sparingly so they will last as long as possible. When I have to throw the empty bottles away, I almost can't do it. It is very hard for me. It's like saying goodbye to your favorite shirt because it doesn't fit you anymore, or having to let go of your favorite pair of shoes because your dog chewed on them. It feels like parting with a piece of myself, and it is excruitiatingly painful. :(
I look on Bath and Body works website all the time, just admiring pictures and drooling. I almost always have a tab of their website open, and when they have a sale, my willpower is challenged to it's limits. I bargain with Roy; "If I only eat one meal a day, it will cut down on the food bill and I can go shopping! They are having a sale!!! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!" It is very sad, and I probably should talk to a professional about it. But I'm perfectly happy with my addiction. Bath and Body works and I, we are a beautiful pair, and I enjoy every minute of it!
I love walking around in their store. All the beautiful bottles lined up by scentes and function, the exquisite tables full of bottles of heaven calling my name...all the happy people, the whole store calling out to me..."Buy me! You need me! Take me home! I smell SO GOOD! I will make you prettier! I will make your hair shinier and softer! I will make your skin smooth like a baby's bottom until you are 200 years old! I will make you a better version of yourself!" It's exhausting.
I swear they have cocain in the bottles. As I open them and take a deep whiff, I can feel my pupils dilate; my breath quicken, my body shiver, my mind reels, I lose all sense of time and space, I suddenly don't care about anything else. The moment Roy drags me out kicking and screaming; just when I think I'm okay, my body screams for another hit, and I bolt back to the heaven on earth calling for me.
I love wandering around in the store. Running my fingers over the little bottles and boxes. Just staring at everything. I block out everyone there and pretend the whole store is my bathroom closet. It's magical. I can't even think about anything better than that right now. It makes me smile. :)
I love that store. It's amazing. As soon as Roy becomes an officer we are buying our own store, seriously. Then I can go in and kick everyone out and just wander around touching and smelling everything to my heart's content.
Until that day, I'll just keep dreaming and ticking off store salespeople becase I stay in there for so long and touch and smell everything. :D
Dreaming of wonderful beauty and hygiene products,
Well thank you for posting that. Now I know what to get you for all your special occasions. (sp)(i think). I love that store too but I can't stay it as long as I would like cause Micahel gets headaches from all the smells. So the next time you want to go let me know and we will go together. :)